Science for
NASA technology can detect plant diseases from above
Earth.com, August 2023
NASA technology can detect plant diseases from above • Earth.com
Africa’s anti-GMO activists spread myths and fear but do not provide any scientific evidence
Alex Abutu, Alliance for Science, August 2023
Eco-extremism is making us all sick
Zoe Strimpel, The Telegraph, August 2023
Eco-extremism is making us all sick (telegraph.co.uk)
Biological Solutions to Climate Challenges Deserve More Attention
L. Val Giddings, ITIF, August 2023
Biological Solutions to Climate Challenges Deserve More Attention | ITIF
Experts defend safety of GMO products
China Daily, August 2023
Experts defend safety of GMO products - Chinadaily.com.cn
5.2-billion-letter genome is decoded for better bread
Interesting Engineering, August 2023
5.2-billion-letter genome is decoded for better bread (interestingengineering.com)
Feeding the Future: 10 Innovations That Will Transform Food Security
Devdiscourse, August 2023
Feeding the Future: 10 Innovations That Will Transform Food Security | Technology (devdiscourse.com)
How Sustainable Farming On Land And Sea Can Work Together To Meet Our Growing Need For Protein
Steven Savage, Forbes, August 2023
Scientists Made A Healthy Crop Healthier
USDA, July 2023
GM crops replace organic farming as the new buzzword
Times of India, July 2023
Soil organic carbon stocks potentially at risk of decline with organic farming expansion
Gaudaré et al, Nature Climate Change, July 2023
FAO official: EU shouldn’t sacrifice food output in sustainability’s name
Gerardo Fortuna, Euractiv, July 2023
FAO official: EU shouldn’t sacrifice food output in sustainability’s name – EURACTIV.com
'CRISPR' crops more resilient in climate crisis
Robert Paarlberg, China Daily, July 2023
'CRISPR' crops more resilient in climate crisis - Opinion - Chinadaily.com.cn
How to Manage the Global Land Squeeze? Produce, Protect, Reduce, Restore
World Resources Institute, July 2023
What's Causing the Global Land Squeeze? | World Resources Institute (wri.org)
Want to Make EU Agriculture More Sustainable?
Emma Kovak, The Breakthrough Institute, July 2023
Want to Make EU Agriculture More… | The Breakthrough Institute
10 New Foods Coming To Our Plates In The Next 10 Years
Juergen Eckhardt, Forbes, July 2023
10 New Foods Coming To Our Plates In The Next 10 Years (forbes.com)
Learning to love rbST
Chris Gambino, The Breakthrough Institute, July 2023
Learning to Love rbST | The Breakthrough Institute
EU proposal on CRISPR-edited crops is welcome — but not enough
Devang Mehta, Nature, July 2023
EU proposal on CRISPR-edited crops is welcome — but not enough (nature.com)
Concerned about aspartame? Beware of this other “probable carcinogen” on your plate
Kevin Folta, Genetic Literacy Project, July 2023
Lean times hit the vertical farming business
BBC News, July 2023
Lean times hit the vertical farming business - BBC News
NGT: The European Commission plays a ”simultaneously” approach
Catherine Regnault Roger, European Scientist, July 2023
NGT: The European Commission plays a " simultaneously” approach (europeanscientist.com)
Scotland has bigger problems than the 'translocation of beavers'
Brian Wilson, The Herald, July 2023
Scotland has bigger problems than the 'translocation of beavers' | HeraldScotland
SNP and Greens need to rethink opposition to gene-edited crops
John Lamont, The Scotsman, July 2023
John Lamont: SNP and Greens need to rethink opposition to gene-edited crops | The Scotsman
Policy makers, genetic engineers, and an engaged public can work together to create climate-resilient plants
Archibald B. et al, Plos Biology, July 2023
Agrifood Brief: Co-existential crisis
Euractiv, July 2023
Agrifood Brief: Co-existential crisis – EURACTIV.com
Europe may finally choose science over ideology
Editorial, Western Producer, July 2023
Europe may finally choose science over ideology | The Western Producer
What's Driving The Fear-And-Smear Campaign Against Genetic Engineering?
Henry Miller & Rob Wager, ACSH, July 2023
Once a world leader in innovation, the US is now falling behind
Cathy Burns & Andy LaVigne, AgriPulse, July 2023
Fertilizer company OCI bets big on climate-friendly ammonia
Reuters, July 2023
Focus: Fertilizer company OCI bets big on climate-friendly ammonia | Reuters
Scientists say poisonous pea could be made vital climate crisis crop
Robin McKie, The Observer, July 2023
Scientists say poisonous pea could be made vital climate crisis crop | Science | The Guardian
New Study Shows Glyphosate Ban Would Drive Up Food Prices
AgWeb, July 2023
New Study Shows Glyphosate Ban Would Drive Up Food Prices | AgWeb
Farms Of The Future Will Grow Food While Restoring The Environment: Here’s How
Juergen Eckhardt, Forbes, July 2023
Farms Of The Future Will Grow Food While Restoring The Environment (forbes.com)
Taking a Big Bite Out of Methane in Meat and Milk
Christopher Gambino, New Security Beat, July 2023
Taking a Big Bite Out of Methane in Meat and Milk (newsecuritybeat.org)
Carbon hype is not market reality
Alexis Stockford, Manitoba Co-operator, July 2023
Editorial: Carbon hype is not market reality - Manitoba Co-operator (manitobacooperator.ca)
Why have hybrid wheats been so difficult to commercialise?
Jack DeWitt, AgDaily, July 2023
Why have hybrid wheats been so difficult to commercialize? (agdaily.com)
Serious doubts about alternatives to fertiliser
Joost can Kasteren, June 2023
Nobelist: ‘anti-science’ Greenpeace in ‘crime against humanity’
Times Higher Education, June 2023
Nobelist: Greenpeace ‘anti-science’ on GMOs | Times Higher Education (THE)
European Commission set to propose an overhaul of rules for gene-edited crops
Chemistry Word, June 2023
Is a split developing between the European organic establishment and the farmers it claims to represent over the regulation of CRISPR and other New Genomic Techniques?
Steven Cerier, Genetic Literacy Project, June 2023
Conservation Vs. the Climate: The problem with thinking globally, acting locally
Alex Smith, The Breakthrough Institute, June 2023
Conservation Vs. the Climate | The Breakthrough Institute
Science clear GMOs – nothing to fear but fear itself
Rich Rifkin, Davis Enterprise, June 2023
Rich Rifkin: Science clear GMOs – nothing to fear but fear itself (davisenterprise.com)
Feeding the World’s Livestock, One Potato At A Time
No Camels, June 2023
Feeding The World’s Livestock, One Potato At A Time (nocamels.com)
Africa needs more ag biotech investment. Here’s why
Jonathan Gressel, AgFunder News, June 2023
Africa needs more ag biotech investment. Here’s why (agfundernews.com)
Innovative Rice Cultivation Is Producing Positive Economic and Environmental Results
Malwinder Singh Malhi, Global Farmer Network, June 2023
Update on GMOs and Health
Steven Novella, Science-Based Medicine, June 2023
Update on GMOs and Health | Science-Based Medicine (sciencebasedmedicine.org)
This ‘super banana’ was designed to save lives. Will it matter that it’s orange?
National Geographic, June 2023
Current conservation policies risk accelerating biodiversity loss
Ian Bateman and Andrew Balmford, Nature, June 2023
Current conservation policies risk accelerating biodiversity loss (nature.com)
Gene editing achieves consistently higher favorability in social and traditional media than GMOs
Mark Lynas et al, GM Crops & Food, June 2023
What’s driving the ‘multi-billion dollar fear-and smear campaign against genetically-engineered crops?
Henry Miller & Rob Wager, Genetic Literacy Project, June 2023
What's driving the ‘multi-billion dollar fear-and smear campaign against genetically-engineered crops’ — and the link between activists and Russia? - Genetic Literacy Project
When regulations push farmers out of farming, we need a new approach
Dr Jacqueline Rowarth, Stuff, June 2023
When regulations push farmers out of farming, we need a new approach | Stuff.co.nz
Experts: Novel pest control solutions exist, but are ‘stuck in pipeline’
Euractiv, June 2023
Experts: Novel pest control solutions exist, but are ‘stuck in pipeline’ – EURACTIV.com
Regulation of Molecular Genetic Engineering Must Be Evidence-Based
Henry I Miller & David W Altman, European Scientist, June 2023
Regulation of Molecular Genetic Engineering Must Be Evidence-Based (europeanscientist.com)
Genetically modified food could help fight against climate change
Andy Allan, newsroom, June 2023
Genetically Modified Food Could Help Fight Against Climate Change | Newsroom
Building a blueprint for zero-emissions agriculture
Carnegie Science, June 2023
Building a blueprint for zero-emissions agriculture | Carnegie Science
The problems with a regenerative farming approach in New Zealand
Dr JS Howarth, Stuff, June 2023
The problems with a regenerative farming approach in New Zealand | Stuff.co.nz
Gene editing can help us produce crops fit for today’s challenges
Lord Cameron of Dillington, Politics Home, June 2023
Gene editing can help us produce crops fit for today’s challenges (politicshome.com)
Renewing the agricultural toolbox: empowering European farmers for a sustainable future
Alexandra Brand, Brussels Times, June 2023
Should sovereign countries outside the EU follow the pesticide policies of the EU?
Shunmugan Ganesan, AgroPages, June 2023
Tech can change agri landscape
M R Ranganatha, Deccan Herald, June 2023
Tech can change agri landscape | Deccan Herald
Sustainable Agriculture Comes Full Circle With Data Science
Triple Pundit, June 2023
Sustainable Agriculture Comes Full Circle With Data Science (triplepundit.com)
Gene Editing Could Improve Heat Tolerance
Dairy Herd Management, June 2023
Gene Editing Could Improve Heat Tolerance | Dairy Herd
Golden opportunity lost?
Marvin Tort, Business World Online, June 2023
Golden opportunity lost? - BusinessWorld Online (bworldonline.com)
Scientists Working to Engineer Climate-Cooling Super Trees
Government Technology, June 2023
Scientists Working to Engineer Climate-Cooling Super Trees (govtech.com)
Genomic Innovation in Rice: Transforming Black, Brown, and Red Varieties With CRISPR
SciTechDaily, June 2023
Insect spaghetti? EU agency greenlights another insect-based foodstuff
Euractiv, June 2023
Insect spaghetti? EU agency greenlights another insect-based foodstuff – EURACTIV.com
Canada Confirms Gene Editing Technologies Are Conventional Plant Breeding
Stuart Smyth, SAI Food, June 2023
Canada Confirms Gene Editing Technologies Are Conventional Plant Breeding - SAIFood
Asia must embrace technology to overcome food supply shocks brought on by climate change
Biman Mukherji, South China Morning Post, June 2023
EPA decision to tighten oversight of gene-edited crops, organic and draws mixed response
Erik Stokstad, Science, June 2023
EPA decision to tighten oversight of gene-edited crops draws mixed response | Science | AAAS
European organics ponder gene-editing coexistence
Manitoba Co-operator, June 2023
European organics ponder gene-editing coexistence - Manitoba Co-operator (manitobacooperator.ca)
Future of food: what's on the menu in 2050
Cecilia Duong, UNSW, June 2023
Future of food: what's on the menu in 2050 | UNSW Newsroom
Achieving net-zero emissions in agriculture: a review
Lorenzo Rosa & Paolo Gabrielli, Environmental Research Letters, May 2023
Achieving net-zero emissions in agriculture: a review - IOPscience
GM food: The best way for sustainable food production?
Fred Schwaller, DW, May 2023
GM food: The best way for sustainable food production? – DW – 05/26/2023
Weeds in the science
Terence Corcoran, Financial Post, May 2023
Junk Science Week: Weeds in the science | Financial Post
Gene-edited calf may reduce reliance on antimicrobials against cattle disease
My Vet Candy, May 2023
Gene-edited calf may reduce reliance on antimicrobials against cattle disease (myvetcandy.com)
Researchers genetically alter hens to produce allergy-free eggs
Medical News Today, May 2023
Egg allergy: Genetically altered hens lay allergen-free eggs (medicalnewstoday.com)
Ag biotech helps with climate change
Stuart Smyth, Western Producer, May 2023
Ag biotech helps with climate change | The Western Producer
Are you hungry for change?
Alexandra Brand, Euractiv, May 2023
Are you hungry for change? – EURACTIV.com
Outdated gene editing laws hobble NZ research
Farmers Weekly NZ, May 2023
Outdated gene editing laws hobble NZ research (farmersweekly.co.nz)
Looking at the good and bad of glyphosate
Laura Rance, Winnipeg Free Press, May 2023
Looking at the good and bad of glyphosate – Winnipeg Free Press
Environmental NGOs In The Global South: Saviors Of Humanity Or Predatory Special Interests?
Tilak Doshi, Forbes, May 2023
Environmental NGOs Hurt The Poor The Most (forbes.com)
Unmixed blessing
Erik Stokstad, Science, May 2023
‘Game changer.’ Scientists are genetically engineering crops to clone themselves | Science | AAAS
Eco-Progressive Pro-Science NGOs
David Zaruk, European Seed, May 2023
Eco-Progressive Pro-Science NGOs - European Seed (european-seed.com)
Can ‘enhanced rock weathering’ help combat climate change?
BBC News, May 2023
Can ‘enhanced rock weathering’ help combat climate change? - BBC News
Neonicotinoids and honeybees: Are agricultural chemicals harming honeybees?
Diego Macall, SAIFood, May 2023
Neonicotinoids And Honeybees: Are Agricultural Chemicals Harming Honeybees? - SAIFood
There is more to land management than producing food
Sir Charles Godfray, Farmers Weekly, May 2023
Opinion: There is more to land management than producing food - Farmers Weekly (fwi.co.uk)
Investment in Agriculture R&D Delivers Results that Matter
Guillermo Breton, Global Farmer Network, May 2023
Investment in Agriculture R&D Delivers Results that Matter | AgWeb
Nearly a quarter billion people are hungry. Can biotech help?
Bio News, May 2023
Food insecurity is growing. Can biotech help? - Bio.News
Start-ups see sustainable future in seaweed farming
Financial Times, May 2023
Start-ups see sustainable future in seaweed farming | Financial Times (ft.com)
Tweaking Vegetables’ Genes Could Make Them Tastier—And You’ll Get to Try Them Soon
Megan Bartels, Scientific American, May 2023
Green activists claim we can feed the world with organic-grown crops. Here’s a reality check
Marcel Bruins, Genetic Literacy Project, May 2023
New precision-breeding law unlocks gene editing in England
Mario Caccamo, Nature Biotechnology, May 2023
New precision-breeding law unlocks gene editing in England | Nature Biotechnology
When It Comes To Sustainable Cotton, Fashion’s Focused On 1% at the Expense Of The Other 99. Why?
Brooke Roberts-Islam, Forbes, May 2023
Consumers don’t know much about gene editing – but they should
Sylvain Charlebois, Toronto Sun, May 2023
CHARLEBOIS: Consumers don’t know much about gene editing – but should | Toronto Sun
Organic farming and gene editing: Is coexistence possible?
Euractiv, May 2023
Organic farming and gene editing: Is coexistence possible? – EURACTIV.com
Is the Dutch government going to say it’s sorry?
Dan Flynn, Food Safety News, May 2023
Letter From The Editor: Is the Dutch government going to say it's sorry? | Food Safety News
How technology is helping farmers grow more food with less chemicals
Chemical & Engineering News, May 2023
How technology is helping farmers grow more food with less chemicals (acs.org)
Policy Experts Applaud Gene Editing Decision
Alberta Seed Guide, May 2023
Policy Experts Applaud Gene Editing Decision (seed.ab.ca)
We Can’t Manage Cattle Methane Without Better Measurements
The Breakthrough Institute, May 2023
We Can’t Manage Cattle Methane Without… | The Breakthrough Institute
Energy costs create headwinds for vertical farms
Financial Times, May 2023
Energy costs create headwinds for vertical farms | Financial Times (ft.com)
GMO Indecision of the Chinese Superpower
SAIFood, May 2023
GMO Indecision Of The Chinese Superpower - SAIFood
GM tomatoes are coming back, but this time they’re purple, and packed with new health benefits
Elaine Watson, AgFunder News, May 2023
GM tomatoes are back… but now they come with health benefits (agfundernews.com)
Address the growing urgency of fungal disease in crops
Eva Stukenbrock & Sarah Gurr, Nature, May 2023
Address the growing urgency of fungal disease in crops (nature.com)
The UK’s new Genetic Technology Bill will unlock innovation that could climate-proof food security
Giles Oldroyd, European Scientist, May 2023
Technology and an Optimal Climate Are Feeding the World
Vijay Jayaraj, Townhall, May 2023
Technology and an Optimal Climate Are Feeding the World (townhall.com)
Opinion: Fear of biotechnology will fade away
Cherilyn Jolly-Nagel, The Western Producer, May 2023
Opinion: Fear of biotechnology will fade away | The Western Producer
Preparing For The Next Big Leap In Agricultural Innovation
Shely Aronov, Forbes, April 2023
Preparing For The Next Big Leap In Agricultural Innovation (forbes.com)
AI Weed-Killing Drones Are Coming for the Mega Farms
Coco Liu, Bloomberg, April 2023
AI Drone Cuts Chemical Use in Big Farm Weeding - Bloomberg
Mexico - Let’s Stop the Uncertainty and Embrace Technology
Georgina Gutierrez, Global Farmer Network, April 2023
Mexico – Let’s Stop the Uncertainty and Embrace Technology – Global Farmer Network
The American chestnut: A new frontier in gene editing
Samantha Surber, ASBMB, April 2023
The American chestnut: A new frontier in gene editing (asbmb.org)
Research Finds Gene Editing Can Aid Fight Against Potato Blight
Seed World, April 2023
Research Finds Gene Editing Can Aid Fight Against Potato Blight - Seed World
Fact: Genetically modified crops safe for the environment, farmers and the consumers
Robert Wager, Alliance for Science, April 2023
FAO: Governments Creating 'Gene Editing' Regulations Are In Defiance Of Science
Hank Campbell, Science 2.0, April 2023
Charles III Might Be King, but He’s Still the Dunce of Wales to Me
Henry I. Miller. ACSH, April 2023
Fertiliser manufacturers strive to curb greenhouse gas emissions
Clive Cookson, Financial Times, April 2023
Fertiliser manufacturers strive to curb greenhouse gas emissions | Financial Times (ft.com)
The Difference Between Academics And Activists
Stuart Smyth, SAI Food, April 2023
The Difference Between Academics And Activists - SAIFood
Germany is the major obstacle to the adoption of gene editing and other crop biotechnology innovations in the EU. When might that change?
Steven Cerier, Genetic Literacy Project, April 2023
Earth Day Has Become Polluted By Ignorance And Political Correctness
Henry I. Miller & Jeff Stier, ACSH, April 2023
Genetics and AI: The tech that goes into growing strawberries in Singapore
Channel News Asia, 14 April 2023
How gene-editing is about to deliver the promise of genuine superfoods
Emma Beckett, BBC Science Focus, April 2023
How gene-editing is about to deliver the promise of genuine superfoods | BBC Science Focus Magazine
Fighting Climate Change With Genetically Modified Trees
Science Friday, April 2023
Fighting Climate Change With Genetically Modified Trees (sciencefriday.com)
Your next salad mix could be made using CRISPR – and that’s a good thing
Juergen Eckhardt, Fast Company, April 2023
Your next salad mix could be made using CRISPR—and that's a good thing (fastcompany.com)
“No Bees, No Food.” How Insects Help Farmers With Their Harvest
Louise Gray, Literary Hub, April 2023
“No Bees, No Food.” How Insects Help Farmers With Their Harvest ‹ Literary Hub (lithub.com)
Early crop plants were more easily ‘tamed’
Talia Ogliore, Washington University in St Louis, April 2023
Every Farmer, Every Tool Important for Food Security
Jason Jenkins, Progressive Farmer, April 2023
Every Farmer, Every Tool Important for Food Security (dtnpf.com)
Climate Change Contributions from Seed and Crop Technologies
Stuart Smith, SAI Food, April 2023
Climate Change Contributions From Seed And Crop Technologies - SAIFood
NGO Science: Inside the Mind of a Cult Eco-Warrior
The Risk-Monger, April 2023
NGO Science: Inside the Mind of a Cult Eco-Warrior – The Risk-Monger
The farmers challenging the EU's green agenda
Financial Times, April 2023
The farmers challenging the EU's green agenda | Financial Times (ft.com)
Plant microbiomes: Humans are not the only organisms that need healthy biomes. Here is how to make safer and more nutritious food and feed
Steve Savage, Genetic Literacy Project, April 2023
Plant science has a natural role to play in achieving the UN SDGs
Pierre Petelle, CropLife Canada, April 2023
Plant science has a natural role to play in achieving the UN SDGs | CropLife Canada
The green war on sheep
Myfanwy Alexander, Spiked, April 2023
The green war on sheep - spiked (spiked-online.com)
Fear… Fades Away in the Rearview Mirror
Cherilyn Jolly-Nagel, Global Farmer Network, April 2023
Fear… Fades Away in the Rearview Mirror | AgWeb
How can gene-edited crops reduce food waste?
Sarah Marshall, BioNews, April 2023
Gene-Edited Crops and Waste Prevention Week (bio.news)
Will the Sustainable Use Regulation (SUR) Achieve What We Need?
Hester van der Woude, Charles River Laboratories, April 2023
Will the Sustainable Use Regulation (SUR) Achieve What We Need? | Eureka blog (criver.com)
Norman Borlaug, 'Father Of The Green Revolution,' Was Remarkable In Many Ways
Henry I. Miller, ACSH, April 2023
Opinion: Let’s protect and optimize our harvests for years to come
Val Dolcini, Agri-Pulse, April 2023
Opinion: Let’s protect and optimize our harvests for years to come | Agri-Pulse Communications, Inc.
GMO food labelling: what works (and what doesn’t) for consumers?
SunAh Kim, BusinessThink, April 2023
GMO food labelling: what works (and what doesn’t) for consumers? - UNSW BusinessThink
Why the European Union needs to grow genetically-engineered crops
Steven Cerier, Genetic Literacy Project, April 2023
Why the European Union needs to grow genetically-engineered crops - Genetic Literacy Project
Innovation in agriculture can actually drive climate protection
Bill Wirtz, The Hill, March 2023
Innovation in agriculture can actually drive climate protection | The Hill
Celebrating Norman Borlaug: He Was Always Ahead Of His Time
Henry I. Miller, ACSH, March 2023
How will we feed Earth’s rising population? Ask the Dutch.
Kenny Torrella, Vox, March 2023
How will we feed 10 billion people by 2050? Ask the Netherlands. - Vox

Science for